Sidenor Group publishes 2021 Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI Standards
Sidenor Group released its Sustainability Report for the year 2021. The Report prepared in accordance with the core option of GRI Standards and highlights the Company’s commitment and activities on the environmental, social, and governance [...]
Sidenor Group publishes 2021 Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI Standards
Sidenor Group released its Sustainability Report for the year 2021. The Report prepared in accordance with the core option of GRI Standards and highlights the Company’s commitment and activities on the environmental, social, and governance [...]
Sidenor is the first steel producer in Greece awarded with the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
Sidenor is the first steel producer in Greece awarded with the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for SD concrete reinforcing steel products, bars, spooled coils, meshes and prefabricated cages. The products are manufactured in Sovel, a [...]
Sidenor contributes EUR 200,000 euros to Viohalco’s initiative to assist, through its subsidiaries, the restoration of the communities affected by the wild-fires with a total of EUR 1.000.000.
Sidenor, consistent to its values and with priority to people and the environment, stands in solidarity with the victims of the devastating fires in Greece. The Company immediately responded to Viohalco’s initiative to contribute, through [...]
Sidenor S.A. announces that its Board of Directors as well as the Boards of Directors of its subsidiaries, namely Sovel S.A., Erlikon S.A., Praksys S.A. and Etil S.A. decided on March 27, 2020, the temporary [...]
SIDENOR: Entrepreneurship award at the ‘Creative Greece Awards 2019’
SIDENOR was presented with an award at the "Creative Greece Awards 2019" Business Excellence Forum, which was organized by New Times Publishing and took place on Thursday 4 April 2019. SIDENOR Steel Industry S.A. was [...]