To establish and maintain a strong competitive advantage, Sidenor, Stomana Industry and their subsidiaries have focused on and invested significantly in the reinforcement of their production base over the past two decades. Through long-term efforts to modernise and upgrade their manufacturing sites, they have become a vertically integraded  group, capable of delivering high value-added solutions.

In the context of its production activities, the Group operates industrial plants in Greece and abroad. It also operates warehouses and distribution units. The Group’s plants cover all stages of production, processing and distribution for the entire range of steel products, which creates a decisive competitive advantage. Flexible production practices at the plant level and an extended sales and warehousing network developed by the Group over the years within and outside Greece allow prompt response to customer needs.

Aiming to maintain its competitive edge in terms of production levels and market presence, Sidenor Group recognises the importance of constant upgrading and works towards the strategic expansion of both its plants and its distribution network.

Sidenor Group is active in the manufacturing of steel products right from the stage of scrap melting in its three melting plants (Sidenor Steel Industry, Sovel, Stomana Industry). The semi-finished products are then used by the rolling mills to produce finished steel products.