The objective goal of SIDENOR is to fully satisfy its customers by constantly attaining their desirable reults within the stipulated time limits.

The Company’s Management is dedicated to a philosophy of constantly striving to:

  • improve its products, production means and processes in qualitative terms;
  • further renew its production equipment;
  • improve communication, and nurture team spirit and co-operation between the company’s different departments including suppliers and customers; and
  • strictly comply with all applicable Greek and Community laws.

The responsibilities of each executive at all administration levels include:

  • promotion of Quality Policy and ensuring that this Policy is fully understood, implemented and maintained so that Quality considerations are instilled in everybody;
  • special allocation of responsibilities for Quality;
  • identification of customers’ needs and requirements;
  • determination of Quality-related objectives such as functionality, capability and reliability of products;
  • quality-related cost accounting;
  • revision and effective implementation of the Quality System and programmes so as to attain all objectives and foresee problems;
  • maintenance, control and constant improvement of production processes;
  • identification of training needs and planning of constant on-the-job training of the staff; and
  • a serious and in-depth analysis of all complaints in order to ensure long-lasting customer satisfaction.

The Quality System of SIDENOR relies on the Management’s full commitment to Quality Ideals and to the complete fulfilment of customers’ expectations, and on the belief of the Company as a whole that Quality and Innovation are the two prerequisites for sustainability and progress in this new economic era.