1 Main production units
1.1 Sidenor Steel Industry S.A. (Thessaloniki, Greece)
1.2 Sovel S.A. (Almyros, Magnesia, Greece)
1.3 Stomana Industry S.A. (Pernik, Bulgaria)
1.4 Dojran Steel Dooel (Nikolic, Republic of North Macedonia)
1.5 Erlikon S.A. (Thessaloniki, Greece)
1.6 Domoplex Ltd (Limassol, Cyprus)

2 Sales / Logistics centers
2.1 Sidenor Steel Industry S.A. (Thessaloniki, Greece))
2.2 Sidenor Steel Industry S.A. (Aspropyrgos, Greece)
2.3 Sovel S.A. (Greece)
2.4 Antimet S.A. (Greece)
2.5 Stomana Industry S.A. (Bulgaria)
2.6 Port Svishtov West S.A. (Bulgaria)
2.7 Dojran Steel Dooel (Republic of North Macedonia)
2.8 Sidebalk Steel Doo (Serbia)
2.9 Smederevo Port (Serbia)
2.10 Sideral Steel Shpk (Albania)
2.11 Siderom Steel Slr (Romania)
2.12  Agigea port  (Romania)
2.13  Constanta port  (Romania)
2.14  Gyor Platform operated by DB Schenker (Hungary)

3 Ports
3.1 Almyros, Magnesia (Greece)
3.2 Aspropyrgos, Attica (Greece)
3.3 Port Svishtov (Bulgaria)