Sidenor, consistent to its values and with priority to people and the environment, stands in solidarity with the victims of the devastating fires in Greece. The Company immediately responded to Viohalco’s initiative to contribute, through its subsidiaries, the restoration of the communities affected by the wild-fires with a total of EUR 1.000.000.
More specifically, Sidenor shall contribute EUR 200.000 in initiatives, construction materials and equipment with the aim of supporting residents affected by the wild-fires, rehabilitating fire-affected areas and the environment, preventing a similar situation from occurring in the future. The selected actions will be finalized in close and direct cooperation with the local authorities and the central administration, as well and will cover immediate and specific needs of the affected areas.
We at Sidenor express our gratitude and warm thanks to the volunteers and public services helping to respond to crisis and our intention to be part of the major prevention and rehabilitation effort.